About us
Our Association
Founded in 1947, the Massachusetts Maple Producers Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of maple sugaring in Massachusetts. Regular members are actively producing maple products or directly related to the maple industry. We support ongoing research into the many factors affecting our member farms, including production practices, quality control, environmental concerns, land development pressures and long term tree health.
Since its founding, our Association has represented most of the commercial and hobbyist sugarmaking in Massachusetts. While we do not conduct inspections, we expect our members to conform to all state and federal standards regarding the production and sale of maple products. We disseminate information to our members which helps them maintain strong quality control, and we are available to assist them with specific problems as needed. We maintain a complete library of up-to-date maple research publications, and endeavor to answer questions from producers and the public. We also act as the industry’s representative to both state and federal governments on specific legislative issues that effect maple producers.
Our funds come from a small commission on discounted containers and supplies as well as from membership dues. We receive no state or federal financial assistance. We are governed by a nine-member Board of Directors elected yearly by the general membership. Daily operations are conducted by a paid Coordinator who serves with the direction of the Board.
Missy Leab, 413-628-3912
Board of Directors
Jon Cranston, Ashfield
Bart Gage, Worthington
Jessie Porter, Lenox
Mario Gagliardi, Williamstown
Kim Trust, Worthington
Howard Boyden, Conway
Richard Julian, Warren
Hunter Sessions, Buckland
Jeff Kingsbury, South Deerfield