Curriculum – Bibliography

Partial Bibliography of Books on Maple

Brown, Vinson. Reading the Woods. Harrisburg, PA. Stackpole Books. 1969. Good forest reference.

Caduto, Michael I. and Joseph Bruchac. Keepers of the Earth. Golden, CO: Fulcrum, Inc. 1989. Has a chapter on Native Americans and maple.

Farrell, Michael. The Sugarmaker’s Companion: An Integrated Approach to Producing Syrup from Maple, Birch, and Walnut Trees. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2013. An excellent how-to guide.

Fellows, Myrtie. Maple Syrup the Way We Do It. Brattleboro, VT: The Stephen Greene Press, 1972. Story of a sugaring family with photos.

Follet, Muriel and Schofield, Clifford. A Drop in the Bucket. Stephen Day Press. The story of a farm maple season, illustrated.

Garney, Margaret. At Grandpa’s Sugarbush, published 1998. Great children’s story for ages 4–8.

Gemming, Elizabeth. Maple Harvest: The Story of Maple Sugar. New York, NY: Cavan, Mecca and Geoghegan, Inc. 1976.

Hays, Wilma and R. Vernon Hays. Foods the Indians Gave Us. New York, NY: Ives Washburn, Inc. 1975. Has informative entry on maple, pg. 91–92.

Lasky, Kathryn. Sugar Time. New York, NY: McMillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1983. Wonderful story. Great photos.

Lawrence, James M. and Martin, Rux. Sweet Maple—Life, Love & Recipes from the Sugarbush. Shelburne, VT: Chapters Publishing Ltd. 1993. The best overall book on maple sugaring.

Lewis, Diane. The Maple Harvest Book. New York, NY: Stein and Day Publishers. 1977. Good introduction and recipes.

Mann, Rink. Backyard Sugarin’. The Countryman Press, Woodstock, VT. 1976. An excellent “how to” book for the hobby and small-scale producer.

Nearing. Helen and Scott. The Maple Sugar Book. New York: NY: Schocken. 1970. Very comprehensive. Widely available. Excellent reference.

North American Maple Syrup Producer’s Manual. Ohio State University Extension & The North American Maple Syrup Council. 2006. Columbus, OH. The maple producer’s comprehensive and up-to-date “how-to” manual. The best technical manual available.

Perrin, Noel. Amateur Sugar Maker. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. 1972. Good literary, personal study, with drawings. Highly recommended.

Selsam, Millicent. Maple Tree. New York: William Morrow and Company. 1968. Photos and text explain the life of a Norway maple tree. Processes are same for sugar maple trees.

Watson, Nancy D. Sugar on Snow. New York, NY: Viking Press. 1964. Children’s story tells basic process. Illustrated.